Relate Well Live Well: Rooftop Revelations

He shares his personal story of coming from a single-parent household and how having different organizations to assist both himself and his mom truly made an impact on the person he is today.
Relate Well Live Well Hope Weekend

Relate Well Live Well’s Hope Weekend program is dedicated to couples facing extreme challenges and stress, those contemplating divorce in their marriage, or those simply seeking a more profound connection more intimate with one another.
Relate Well Live Well Divorce Study
Pointing out that divorce is one of the most stressful situations someone can go through in life, it affects not only the couple itself but the society at large.
Relate Well Live Well’s Marriage Course: The Power of Us
This course is recommended to be taken following AIM as it is designed for couples that aim to experience more profound levels of intimacy in their relationship, seeking knowledge and understanding of one another.
The Success Sequence: What Is It & Why It Matters
Achieving the American Dream, such as reaching the middle class or higher, seems a distant goal for many people, especially young adults. But what if we told you there is a path to success in life?
Relate Well Live Well’s Marriage Workshop: Adventures in Marriage
Relate Well Live Well’s Marriage Workshop: Adventures in Marriage
is committed to restoring the institution of family by providing educational classes, workshops, and events to ages ranging from middle school to senior adulthood. To create healthy communities, it is imperative to start at home, where the foundation is a solid marriage.
Is the Destruction of the Nuclear Family More Catastrophic than We Think?
In the light of current events, our entire country is collectively moving through the five stages of grief; denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and inevitably for some, acceptance. While the motivating factors couldn’t be more different, as we all have our belief structures and upbringings to affect our emotions and thoughts, the overarching question is resounding in the same outcry, WHY?
The Merciful and The Mighty
Fathers, how do we impact our family tree and our children? Dr. Murray Bowen introduced the family system theory, suggesting that individuals can’t be understood in isolation from one another but rather as a part of their family.
To Forgive is to Obey
This year I’ve chosen to read the New Testament chronologically. Initially, I didn’t enjoy the process, but as I’ve read the gospel accounts leading up to Jesus’ death on the cross, I’ve thought a lot about obedience and its connection to forgiveness. Jesus, in His humanity, has experienced the hurts and betrayals of humankind, and…
The Good News Is Still The Good News
I recently spoke with a counselor about the pressure the pandemic has brought to bear; his practice has ministered to more than 30,000 people since COVID.