What are you THINKING

Do you assume the best when your spouse says or does something, which doesn’t come out “right”? Is it your belief that he or she has your best interest at heart and truly isn’t trying to irritate you? HOW YOU THINK ABOUT YOUR SPOUSE DETERMINES HOW YOU TREAT YOUR SPOUSE! So, what are you thinking?…


Preparing for a great future together … takes being intentional! In marriage, money is the number one issue married couples fight about, and it’s the second leading cause of divorce, behind infidelity. Both spouses are coming from different life experiences, and the way they perceive money may be very different. Marriage satisfaction and joy is…

FLIRT with Me

Are you still flirting with each other, even though you are married? Maybe you’ve been married for a few years or a few decades. Whatever the case, the spontaneity, excitement, and general panic you felt on your first few dates have likely been replaced by familiarity, comfort, and a new brand of apathy associated with…

Dreams for the Future

Dreaming has a powerful effect on a marriage and a family. It brings a unique depth of closeness and connection. Dreaming together is one of the ways in which you reaffirm your commitment to each other and to your future. The most powerful benefit of sharing a vision for your future is the harmony it…

Let’s Play – A Family that Plays Together Stays Together

Our children need to do their chores, and of course, they need discipline; but what they also need desperately from their parents is to … Play Together! A great thing happens to families when they play together …THEY BEGIN TO TALK, LAUGH, AND LIGHTEN UP. LAUGHTER IS THE BEST MEDICINE Laughter is commonly known as…

Love Notes

WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU GAVE A “HANDWRITTEN” LOVE NOTE TO A LOVED ONE? Our focus is using PEN AND PAPER to write a love note. When you think of a love note, don’t just think about giving a love note to a spouse or significant other. Think about a love note for your…

Let’s Stick Together

What are the mysterious ingredients that almost all good marriages have in common? What accounts for the marvelous blending of personalities when two separate and distinct individuals establish a young family and then live together in love and in harmony for the next fifty or sixty years? Research now verifies that the healthiest marriages are…

Look at Me

You’ve probably heard before that it’s essential to make eye contact when speaking to someone; but you may not realize the power of eye contact in a relationship. If you’re looking to strengthen your relationship with your loved ones, it can help learning how to maintain eye contact. This powerful application can impact both our…

Healthy Habits

Giving ourselves to our spouse has an incredible impact on our kids. Developing healthy loving habits can help us grow stronger together. Hall of Fame basketball coach John Wooden once said, “The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.” The children need to know that marriage is a…

Adventurous and Exciting

“Adventurous” and “exciting” aren’t words many people use to describe their marriage after a while nor would they say that about their family time. That probably wasn’t the case at the beginning of the relationship but over time most couples settle into their everyday lives and get lost in the land of monotony—the land where…