Last year I closed out the year with an article on resolving to forgive in 2021. I’d be curious how we did with the resolution to forgive. For me, I continued to wrestle with hurt from someone that I said would never, ever betray me. It’s been a hurt that continued for several years, but God reminds me of what Jesus said as He was being crucified: “Forgive them, for they know not what they do.” I was also reminded of the verse, “All things work together for the good of those that love the Lord and are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28). In hindsight, I’m able to see that my hurt was used to move me back to Fort Lauderdale and serve Him through the mission of Relate Well Live Well. Had I not experienced it, I’d be living on the west coast of Florida today. Although the pain still surfaces occasionally, I no longer have any bitterness; sadness for the loss, but unforgiveness doesn’t hold me hostage. I pray the same is true for you and the hurts you’ve encountered. If you continue to struggle with hurt and unforgiveness, I encourage you to read The Bait of Satan. It’s profound.
Read the rest of the article HERE